
congratulations eva and jj

yet another verrry successful reception at projectgallery. despite the 107 degree weather and infamous stillwater summers, people came out of the woodwork and filled the gallery with oohs and ahhs. congratulations artists, that was all you. 
gallery boy jonathon, being the best person ever.
 it is this bright at 8 o'clock. 
and its over. we will definitely miss how great the work looks in the space...and our ceramic security guards.


congratulations american apparel

well done american apparel. you've sold me...

whoa baby, epitome of cute. 

golden goose

golden goose is a designer that does things the right way. here are some examples of wonderfully executed pieces...boots to kill for.
available at revolve clothing and shopbop.


found at the chive

some fun design i found at thechive.com

brad blumenthal's tree house

brad blumenthal's hollywood home in the trees..indoor/outdoor living

killer sink.


projectgallery's youngest supporter...

we have received an amazing response to our current show. most people can recognize how incredible the work is. Many are in awe of what remarkable execution of the sculptures artist, eva miller, has achieved. 

but meet zela. projectgallery's youngest supporter. zela has come in three times since our current show has been up, because the pieces make her so happy. eva miller's larger than life ceramic people really make this baby smile. it is an amazing thing watching art move someone so young.