During a typical trip to the studio, I spotted a nearby neighbor carrying what looked like a perfectly good couch to the dumpster. He assured me that it was in great condition right before he threw it off his balcony. A little disgusted with the way the couch was treated, I drove on to pick up Kate. When hearing this news, Kate immediately shouted "Let's go check it out!" and we found ourselves looking at perfectly GREAT couch and no way to move it. Just then a truck a few feet away started its engine. We knew this fellow Stillwaterian would be eager to help. Well, he wasn't.
So we decided to take matters into our own hands...literally. We held the couch on top of the element and drove 1 to 3 mph to downtown Stillwater. After a successful drive, our next challenge was to conquer the long skinny stairway to the second floor.
Since we found it in the dumpster, we didn't feel too bad about dropping it several times. We only have a few bruises. Despite endless obstacles, the couch did make it to its final resting place.
We will forever thank the mysterious neighbor who threw his couch off his balcony.
One man's trash is another man's treasure.